Back in high school I took every art class available because all I wanted to be was a cartoonist. In one of my drawing or design classes we were asked to design a new lettering style. This was back in the mid-80's before computers and font packs, so much of professional lettering was still done by hand (more samples of this later). Me being the huge comic book geek that I was, I did something decidedly different. Drawing inspiration from the ninjas and Electra in Frank Miller's run on Daredevil, I designed "The Ninja Alphabet" or "Ninjalphabet" for short. I alternated between the black and white ninjas and tried to incorporate every weapon that I could remember. My favorites are the ones where the ninjas are injuring themselves (E, P, R) and I especially like Q and W, where the two ninjas are just hanging out. It was probably one of the more fun things that I ever got to do in school. I got to screw around and get an A, not too shabby.
More fun stuff from high school coming soon.
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